Online Investment in Ghana: 10 Opportunities to Consider in 2023

One of the biggest differences between the rich and the poor is the attitude to investment. For a person to become rich, he or she must develop an attitude of investment. This is a major reason why young people in Ghana continually seek different online Investment in Ghana.

There is a simple but amazing fact about rich people. They are always seeking for the next investment opportunity to become richer. Even those who earn a specific salary monthly look for the best opportunities to invest.

online investment in ghana

If you are going to be rich you must have multiple streams of income. These days online investments have become the rave of the moment. Several investment opportunities abound in Ghana to help you grow your income. Some of these investment platforms pay you daily returns to make you financially independent.

Online Investment in Ghana: 10 Opportunities to Consider

In this post, we shall discuss a few online investment opportunities that would lead you by hand into a life of affluence and financial liberty.

Mutual funds

This income mode has established itself as one of the major online investment opportunities in Ghana. It is very popular among students of tertiary institutions and young graduates.

A mutual fund is a pool of funds that are pooled together from several financiers who have invested in securities chosen by a professional manager. When you invest in this kind of platform, it means that you own part of the securities invested in by the mutual fund company, even though it is indirect.

You can easily reclaim your shares by reselling to the fund. When you do this, it is open-ended. On the other hand, you may sell your shares to another investor. This makes your investment close-ended.

How mutual funds work in Ghana

The idea is for the mutual fund to invest in different securities. The worth of the investment depends on the value of the securities the fund invests in. This implies that the cost of a single share is equivalent to the worth of the net assets of that fund divided by the total number of shares involved. To ensure that the shares of the fund increase in value, the worth of the returns from the shares is re-invested in the fund.

Types of mutual funds obtainable in Ghana

1. Equity funds. These focus on investing in equities, just as the name implies. They usually have a long term vision as the aim of investment. The most popular equity funds that you can invest in are:

  • FirstBanC Heritage Fund Limited
  • SEM All-Africa Equity Fund Limited
  • HFC Equity Trust
  • Omega Equity Fund Limited
  • Databank Epack Investment Fund

2. Money market funds. This is the market for instruments which are expected to mature within 12 months. They are usually meant to protect capital rather than focus on growth which is why they invest in low-risk securities on a short term. Examples are:

  • SEM Money Plus Fund Limited
  • Databank Money Market Fund Limited
  • HFC Unit Trust,
  • Legacy Unit Trust
  • TTL Income Haven Fund
  • Sirius Opportunity Fund Limited
  • Galaxy Money Market Fund Limited
  • First Fund Limited
  • EDC Money Market Unit Trust

3. Fixed income funds. They are also known as bond income funds and they focus on long-term investments like notes, corporate debt, debentures, fixed deposits, and long-term government securities. Examples are:

  • Stanbic Income Fund
  • Trust All-Time Bond Fund Limited
  • EDC Ghana Fixed Income Trust
  • SEM Income Fund Limited
  • UniSecurities Unit Trust

Forex Trading in Ghana

Forex trading is one of the best online investments one could make, not just in Ghana, but in every part of the world. It is a very lucrative online investment scheme that could yield lots of profit if you get it right. So many people have beaten the odds using this means to create a decent earning for themselves.

Types of Forex Traders

The different types of forex brokers are described below:

  1. Dealing desk. They offer fixed spreads and are referred to as the market makers. They have a choice of quoting a price below or above the original price at any point. They usually make their income from spreads.
  2. No dealing desk. These traders give you straight entrance to the interbank market either through straight-through processing (STP) or electronic communication network (ECN). Usually, a trader in this class doesn’t re-quote prices. This means you have the ability to trade without restrictions during an economic announcement. They are paid through commissions on each trade, sometimes they decide to increase the spread.

Understanding Forex Trading

It is not wise to put your money into Forex trading without having sufficient knowledge about the process. This is why we have brought you a little bit of explanation about the process. One of the best ways to avoid heavy losses is working with a broker that provides you signals. The signals could be free or paid for.

Since you are investing your money in a trading company you should request to have a part in the process of choosing a fund manager to handle your funds. You should also take time out to study their trading systems. This way you can monitor your account and see who is online trading at a particular time.

Investing in Bitcoins in Ghana

For a while now, bitcoins and other cryptocurrency have been major points of discussion in Ghana and other parts of the world. No doubt, this is one of the best online investment opportunities you could invest in. There is a lot of magic behind this amazing digital currency and if you can learn the ropes, you will be making a huge income in less than no time.

How to get bitcoins in Ghana

There are three ways through which you can gain access to bitcoins in Ghana:

  1. Accepting payment for goods and services in bitcoin. It is not yet common in Ghana but it is definitely going to be in the nearest future.
  2. Exchanging Ghana Cedis for bitcoins.
  3. Purchasing your bitcoins from fellow Ghanaians.

Real Estate Investment online

This is one of the ways you can invest online with minimum risk in Ghana. The market is not too volatile and though the income is average, it is promising. Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) were established by online real estate platforms. This way, Borrower Payment Dependent Notes (BPDN) and Specific Projects are sold to different investors.

Usually, debtors are given the leverage project costs and then make use of their personal funds to fill the rest of the portion by way of common equity. It is important that you study the real estate investment online procedures and terms to help you make lots of profit via this online investment medium.

Online Investment in Ghana Roundup

With the advent of the internet, it is evident that online investment in Ghana is key to making a good profit and becoming financially independent. Pick any of these measures today and let us read about your experience in the comments section.

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