The List of Careers in General Arts in Ghana

The choice of a good career for students in general art is challenging. However, the list of careers in general arts in Ghana from this blog post is about to demystify the complications. Although such challenges are inevitable and necessary for remarkable success stories.

The List of Careers in General Arts in Ghana

Below is an encompassing list of careers in general arts in Ghana.

  • Publisher

  • Author/Writer

  • Journalist/Broadcaster

  • Advertising Representative

  • Archivist

  • Librarian

  • Artist

  • Musician

  • Blogger/Content Marketer

  • Actor

  • Events Director

  • Film Maker

  • Financial Analyst

  • Graphic Designer

  • Beautician

  • Estate Manager

  • Estate Developer

  • Real Estate Agent

  • Human Resource Specialist

  • Administrator

  • Politician

  • Lawyer/Attorney/Solicitor

  • Marketing Executive

  • Public Relations Specialist

  • Project Manager

  • Entrepreneur/CEO

  • Research Analyst

  • Teacher/Professor

  • Social Worker

  • Statistician

  • Technical Writer

  • Web Developer

         “The ability to recognize opportunities and move in new – and sometimes unexpected – directions will benefit you no matter your interests or aspirations. A liberal arts education is designed to equip students for just such flexibility and imagination”- Drew Gilpin Faust

Why is it important to choose a career in general art in Ghana?

Arts subjects enhance self-expression and creativity, which build confidence, exude productivity as well inculcate a sense of individual identity. Furthermore, the study of art subjects helps to develop and deepen critical thinking with the ability to interpret the world around us.

Creativity is critical thinking and without it how are you going to open up and ask harder questions? Art opens up those… possibilities to think beyond what we already know –Catherine Opie, artist.

Enormosity is the befitting description for the reasons to study or pursue a career in general art in Ghana. Below is another fascinating quote put forward by a student from a renowned school in South London.

You feel free because it’s just you sitting down, doing your work. No one is there to tell you what to do. It is just you, sitting there and expressing yourself, and sometimes we listen to music, which is helpful because you get new ideas- Student, Archbishop Tenison School, south London.

However an art career may not be your choice, but studying the arts alongside other courses significantly boosts student achievement. In other words, schools that integrate arts into their curriculum reflect and achieve improved student performance in Maths, English, critical thinking and verbal skills.

In addition, studying Arts courses can also help with developing skills and ways of working that will make you outstanding in the future in whatever career you choose.

Explicitly, successful people in any field are those who can think critically, creatively and innovatively. Most importantly, these are skills that employers from any sector cherish alongside qualifications.

Furthermore, making and participating in the courses in general arts aids the development of these profound skills.

Ultimately, when you choose a career in art in Ghana, you learn to work both independently and collaboratively, and you also gain experience in time management –exquisite skill sets valued by employers.

Consequently, studying the general arts in Ghana imbibes determination and resilience – qualities useful to any career. It inculcates the confidence in us that it is okay to fail, to not get things absolutely right at first and to have the guts and courage to start again.

For instance, a drama student at King Ethelbert’s School, Kent made his comment to buttress this point:

“Like with every yes, there are like 10 nos… It has taught me that if I work on it, I will get there eventually. It is determination and commitment. It has definitely helped”

Are careers in general art in Ghana good for the country and the communities at large?

Apparently, Arts and cultural learning is more important than ever for the growth and development of our communities and our society

Moreover, creativity is a significant tool in the global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative and innovative.

Also, studying arts courses in Ghana increases social mobility, which inspires and motivates students from low-income families to go into higher education.

When more students choose careers in arts in Ghana, there would be a better understanding and interpretation of the complexities and diversity of society.

In essence, making art a part of the national curriculum in Ghana will give the next generation of artists, designers, journalists, creators and cultural leaders the opportunity to develop and leverage the imagination and skills that are vital to our future.

Besides, engagement with the art courses helps young citizens in Ghana develop a sense of their own identity and value. This consequently develops a personal sense of responsibility within their school and the wider community as a whole.

Studying courses in general arts in Ghana boosts awareness, sense of empathy and appreciation of difference and diversity as well as the perspectives of others.

It was really when I was at art school that I started to see the relationship between history, philosophy, politics and art. Prior to that, I thought that art was just making pretty pictures – actually, art is connected to life”-Yinka Shonibare, artist

The study of general art courses at schools in Ghana encompasses learning functional and useful skills that prepare students for future careers in the arts. Also, general Art departments merge links with arts organizations and creative practitioners, companies and agencies. They organize visits and workshops which enrich the students with inspiring opportunities to see what it’s like to choose a particular career amongst various other careers in general arts and hear how artists and designers got where they are.

As a student at Uxbride High School commented:

“When it is from someone who has actually been through it and does it now you get the push where you’re like ‘oh, so I could actually genuinely do that myself’, without having a teacher say it to you.”

In conclusion, the choice of any career in general art in Ghana opens opportunities for a wide range of jobs in the creative industries. The creative industries, which include art, design, and music, are an important and resourceful part of the Ghana economy – one of the areas of the economy that is fast growing.